Shelby Morrow Journals, 1929-1935: Book Three (The Shelby Morrow Series)

In the third installment of A.C. Holmes’celebrated historical fiction series, Shelby’sjourney through life continues as she faces ahopeful but difficult path amid past demons,present dangers, and dreamy future plans…



In the third installment of A.C. Holmes’celebrated historical fiction series, Shelby’sjourney through life continues as she faces ahopeful but difficult path amid past demons,present dangers, and dreamy future plans.Book three opens with Shelby awakening from anightmare experience, only to learn she’s been givenan extraordinary opportunity to know love,fulfillment, and happiness. But all remainscontingent on keeping Octave Verrault and hishenchmen at bay.Gifted with days of freedom, Shelby has at last beenreunited with her lover, Martin. However, realitiescollide as unexpected discoveries work against herwhen she realizes that her romantic ideals come withhard choices and the demands of compromise inorder to forge a lasting love. First, she must freeherself from the fugitive existence she’s suffered inVerrault’s dark universe and the power he wieldsover her. Then, she must find the means to getMartin’s family safely out of Germany and past agauntlet of Nazis.While working out her plans and coming to termswith the seemingly-distant promise of a new life andthe hope it offers, Shelby is forced to confrontdevastating news and the specter of her ownmortality that may put an end to any dreams of afuture. Now her love is challenged by impossibleconsequences, testing her faith and that of the man

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Kindle, Paperback


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